If you've just received your SIM card and are unable to receive OTPs, please allow 24 - 48 hours after sim activation for your number to be updated in the global database for OTP delivery.
I can't receive OTP from multiple apps
A common cause for this is some form of SMS blocker on your device/handset. Try inserting your Circles.Life SIM card into another handset. Once you've done that, request for the OTP again. If you successfully receive the OTP on a different handset, the issue could be due to an SMS blocker on your handset. Please search for 'How do I turn off the SMS blocker on my phone', as the steps differ based on your phone make and model.
If you still don't receive the OTP on the different handset even after 48 hours, please reach out to us and we'll get you up and running in no time. Our contact channels can be found here.
I can't receive the OTP from a specific app
If you can receive and send normal SMSes, that means that your number is properly configured on our network and the issue lies with the specific app or website sending the OTP messages. We find that the best solution is to directly reach out to that specific app or website support team to highlight this issue.
Need help? You can get in touch via our contact channels here.
I can't receive/send normal SMSes as well
Check your Message Center Number by calling *#*#4636#*#*(Android users) or *#5005*7672# (IOS users). The Message Center Number should be +65 9684 5999. If this is not the case, please change it to +65 9684 5999, and do a full power cycle to see if the issue has been resolved.
Need help? You can get in touch via our contact channels here.
Apps that frequently face issues
If you have already tried to contact Circles.Life customer service, and after trying all our advice the issue is not resolved, we recommend contacting the app itself to flag the OTP issue to them. This may not solve the problem, but they can alert any third party OTP vendors they have to solve the problem. Some apps may also be able to solve the issue directly.
Here are a list of apps and their customer service contact:
I can’t receive the OTP for Facebook
Flag the issue at Facebook > Help Center > Report a Problem.
I can’t receive the OTP for Grab
Call +65 6655 0005 or email support.sg@grab.com to flag the issue to customer support.
I can’t receive the OTP for LINE
Flag the issue at https://contact.line.me/.
I can’t receive the OTP for WeChat
Flag the issue at https://help.wechat.com/cgi-bin/newreadtemplate?t=help_center/feedback_form
I can’t receive the OTP for SingPass
Call +65 6643 0555 or email customercare@assurity.sg flag the issue to customer support.
I can’t receive the OTP for DBS
Call 1800 111 1111 to flag the issue to customer support.
I can’t receive the OTP for POSB
Call 1800 339 6666 to flag the issue to customer support.
I can’t receive the OTP for OCBC
Call 1800 363 3333 to flag the issue to customer support.
I can’t receive the OTP for UOB
Call 1800 222 2121 or email customer.service@uobgroup.com to flag the issue to customer support.
I can’t receive the OTP for Citibank
Call + 65 6225 5225 or email singapore.customer.service@citi.com to flag the issue to customer support.
I can’t receive the OTP for Standard Chartered Bank
Call 1800 747 7000 to flag the issue to customer support.
I can’t receive the OTP for Gmail/Google
Use one of the alternative options for 2-step verification offered by Google or get help from Google's support team at https://support.google.com/accounts/troubleshooter/4430955?hl=en