This article refers to Circles.Life Jetpac product. If you have purchased a post-paid mobile plan from Circles.Life, please refer here for roaming related FAQs.
To use the data,
- For iOS Phone Models
- Open the Settings application and go to Mobile Data > Select eSIM (Jetpac eSIM Data Line) > Select "Data Roaming" option to turn it on
- For Android Phone Models
- Open the Settings application and go to Connections > Mobile Networks > Select "Data Roaming" option to turn it on
If you are latched to a network but unable to connect to data, check for the following steps:
- Check for the Network Selection
- For iOS Phone Models
- Open the Settings application and go to Mobile Data > Select eSIM (Jetpac eSIM Data Line) > Network Selection
- Uncheck the "Automatic" option and manually choose a different network brand in the country, based on this list
- For Android Phone Models
- Open the Settings application and go to Connections > Mobile Networks> Network Operators
- At the bottom of the screen, click on the correct eSIM (Jetpac eSIM Data Line)
- Uncheck the "Select automatically" option and manually choose a different network brand in the country, based on this list
- For iOS Phone Models
- Check that the IMSI selected is correct, based on the country you're in.
- For iOS Phone Models
- Open the Settings application and go to Mobile Data > Select eSIM (Jetpac eSIM Data Line) > Select option to "Turn On This Line"
- Go to SIM Applications > Country and select the country you are travelling to
- After that go to Mode > Select Manual and choose the correct IMSI based on this list for the country you are traveling to
- For Android Phone Models
- Open the Settings application and go to Connections > SIM card manager > Turn on eSIM (Jetpac eSIM Data Line) by selecting it
- Leave the Settings application and open a new application SIM Toolkit (or called the STK Services app on some phone models)
- Select the correct Country you are travelling to
- After that go to Mode > Select Manual and choose the correct IMSI based on this list for the country you are traveling to
- For iOS Phone Models
- Check for the Access Point Names (APN)
- For iOS Phone Models
- You can view your APN settings in one of the following locations:
- Settings > Cellular > Cellular Data Options > Cellular Network
- Settings > Mobile Data > Mobile Data Options > Mobile Data Network
- You might not be able to change the cellular data settings depending on your carrier.
- You can view your APN settings in one of the following locations:
- For Android Phone Models
- Open the Settings application and go to Connections > Mobile Networks> Access Point Names
- Choose the correct eSIM and ensure your APN is set to one of the following 3 - mobile, internet or plus
- For iOS Phone Models