We are pleased to announce that we will be extending S$10/month bill waiver FOREVER for 2 group of customers:
#1 Customers who ported-in, or transfer their numbers in from other Telcos, starting from Dec2018
#2 Customers who are currently enjoying S$10 bill waiver on a monthly basis with the following promo code displayed in their bill:
- <I***R_C****_2019>
- <HVWD******>
- <10OFFNN******>
- <10OFFMAY**> / <10OFFFEB****>
- <TENOFF******>
How do you know if you are eligible?
You should have received an email (do check your junk), or you will see that your bill description contains the above promocodes, or variations such as <Port-in Promotion> , <Lifelong Discount>.